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Window Film

Signs & Digital Printing

Vehicle Graphics

01902 636222


It is now a UK legal requirement that glazed screens and doors are clearly defined with glass manifestation.


The manifestation needs to be at two levels, 800mm to 1000mm and 1400mm to 1600mm from floor level without contrasting to background decoration to make it visually stand out from both sides of the glass, night or day.


Glazed doors or glass sheets that form part of a curtain wall also need to have manifestation, either sandblast or colour to a height of 150mm or broken bands at a minimum of 50mm per band. Door hardware such as framing or handles etc can be exempt if they are sufficiently visible in themselves.


Many people forget that shop windows that do not have a window display also need to adhere to the regulations.


Fact: There are around 58,000 hospital treated accidents and 10 fatalities per year in the UK involving fixed glass. Approximately 63% of these accidents involve glass in doors and 31% involve window panes.


Manifestation Designs and Signs provides a quick and very cost effective solution to meeting these legal requirements and helps to prevent your business avoid prosecution and hefty fines.

Glass Manifestation  •  Window Films  •  Signs & Digital Printing  •  Vehicle Graphics

manifestation your first choice for glass manifestation in the UK

Glass Manifestation

Manifestation Designs and Signs


      ...the Glass Manifestation solution you need


                                      a competitive price.